Sunday, July 26, 2020

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS: Invented Amazing Things


Top 10 GENIUS KIDS: Invented Amazing Things

Most of the things we use in everyday life were invented by adults but you'd be surprised how many products have been invented by children genius children with incredible minds here are the top 10 unbelievable child inventions number.

10 Snowmobile

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

If you're trying to get somewhere in the snow there's only one type of vehicle you'll want to use to get there quickly and have fun while you're doing it a snowmobile they become a vital way to keep communities connected in colder regions but amazingly this wasn't the idea of a seasoned inventor the first snowmobile was created by a 15 year old boy Joseph Armand Bombardier was interested in mechanics and in 1922 he proudly showed his parents his invention that he had made by mounting engine from a Ford Model T unto forerunners and attached a handmade propeller to the back in trials this enables him to travel half a mile across the snow before it stopped and became somewhat of a life passion of his to perfect design in 1959 Bombardier then 52 years old released the ski-doo which was the world's first superlight model of a snowmobile.

9 Braille

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

In a world war communication and information is presented in ways that are so reliant on the ability to see and hear it can be frustratingly difficult for those with impairments to interact the way they should be able to Louis Braille learned this the hard way when at the age of three he contracted an eye infection that would leave him without sight for the rest of his life the next nine years he struggled to read by tracing his finger around the outline of raised letters on specialized paper and soon realized that individual letters were quite difficult to differentiate through this method and it was often virtually impossible to identify specific words by the time he had turned 12 he was given the opportunity to learn a method of silent communication that had been developed by the French military but still this proved to be far more complicated than he thought it should be he was left with only one option he created his own way of writing which consisted of raised bumps on paper that the tips of the fingers can easily identify this method became known as Braille and is still used worldwide to this day having made life so much easier for people limited site it's incredible to think it was invented by a child.

8 Calculator

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

Nowadays if you need to make a quick calculation you only need to reach for your smartphone to gain access to a powerful computer things used to be far more complicated than that, it might surprise you to know though that the first mechanical calculators were actually introduced in the mid 17th century and even more incredible was the fact that they were designed by a child prodigy Blaise Pascal he had been educated by his father who was a local tax collector and turned his interests of physics at a very young age his studied required the use of advanced mathematics and he found it tedious to calculate everything on paper so set his mind on finding a quicker solution he spent three years of his latter teen years trying to perfect his idea after building 50 prototypes he finally made something that worked which is now known as a Pascal calculator this invention was at the forefront of automation and as well as being the first mechanical calculator is arguably one of the earliest types of computer to ever be built so much of the tech we rely on in modern life can be traced back to this making Pascal one of the most influential inventors to have ever lived.

7 Christmas Lights

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

Every year when Christmas comes around the world is lit up in a blaze of light when people decorate their trees houses and buildings with countless colorful bulbs this wasn't always the way things were done though and only started happening in the 20th century for then people would decorate their trees with candles and even though they involved having open flames on dry trees they were seen as being far safer than the mysterious electrical methods of creating light that were being introduced at the turn of the century eventually though people began to start trusting electric lights but they were still extremely expensive in 1917 however supposedly after a fire in New York that have been caused by candles on a Christmas tree fifteen-year-old Albert sadaqa saw an opportunity and developed some novelty lights from his parents company for use on trees soon there was more demand that he could cope with and by 1925 he and several other companies combined to form the Noma Electric Company and dominate a market for decades to come.

6 Walking Battery

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

We've all been there it's been a long day out and you need to make a call but your phone's batteries somehow completely drain there aren't always powerpoints nearby and not everyone's prepared enough to have a backup battery with them wherever they go but in 2014 a 15 year old child genius revealed his solution to this problem to the world angelou casimiro from the philippines had designed a device that's worn around the ankle and can generate an electrical charge he'd realized that the average person takes 7,000 steps per day and it seemed like a use of energy that could be harnessed for the technology that we take around with us well it doesn't produce enough to keep a device like a phone charged constantly it gives enough extra juice to be able to power it up to make that important call or message in tests he was able to generate enough to use a phone for ten minutes after playing basketball for two hours but it's not just phones that will benefit from this his main aim was to provide lighting to poor rural communities with no mains access the device was showcased at the Google science fair in 2014 and since then he's gone on to develop a series of further devices making him one of the most prolific child inventors of the time we are constantly.

5 Baby Hot Seat

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

Despite every parent's best intentions it's a fact of life that sometimes things can be forgotten and technology can be instrumental in making everyone's lives easier having begun inventing at the age of 11 Alyssa Chavez had her tragic stories of children dying after being left in hot cars and decided to do something about it by her mid-teens she had developed a new product called the baby hot seat with the intent to make tragedies like these a thing of the past the idea behind it is simple but deployed in an incredibly easy to use way she began exploring different alarm technologies that were available and adapted them for this purpose the pressure-sensitive device is placed in the child seat in a car and is connected to the smartphone of the adult responsible for them if the child is left in the car when it's locked the alarm will trigger to remind the adult that they left infant behind she was granted the patent on her design at the age of 17 which made her the youngest latina patent holder in the US and has given her the opportunity to continue developing this product and to explore other ideas in the range.

4 Electric Television

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

Virtually every home in the US has a television and many have more than just one when you look at them you can see how much technological know-how has gone into their design likely the result of rooms of engineers and designers deciding on how best to build them but amazingly the first ever electronic TV was created by a child Philo Farnsworth has been fascinated with electronics ever since he first had a long-distance phone call with a relative despite living in a home without electricity until the age of 14 he was at high school when he began developing a means of transmitting images via radio waves in the same way as audio could be while several other inventors around the world had invented crude means of image generation on a screen and demonstrated a television based on rotating discs Farnsworth's invention which he showed to the world in 1927 was the first recognizable ancestor to the sets that we use today it used scanning electrons to project an image onto a screen and the first image he transmitted on two it was a line according to the stories from the time an investor had asked him when they'd see dollars on the thing at which point he turned to the camera of the image of a dollar sign but it wouldn't be too long until they all benefited from the invention just 12 years later RCA paid to use his patents and were the first company to sell TV sets across the u.s.

3 Iaid

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

Most inventions that solve a problem are created by people who directly experienced that problem for themselves there's something about a child's incredible capability for compassion towards others that led to the Iaid being developed when Alex Dean's was 12 years old he saw a visually impaired woman struggling to cross a busy street on her own he became sure that he would be able to design something to help even though he didn't immediately know what and spent his free time over the next three years working on the problem his solution was a product that tries to imitate a bats ability of echolocation and uses ultrasonic sensors to scan the surroundings with four sensors attached to a belt a signal is sent to a joystick that is used to inform the user of the location of obstacles in 2015 he won a design prize because of this invention but he's not done yet he plans to keep refining it and is determined to use everything that he's learned to create something that has far more use than the current version does.

2 Superman

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

In 1932 geeky 16 year old students Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster met each other for the first time and knew that they were destined for great things together little did they know at this time that they were about to invent one of the most influential characters in literary history that would spearhead an entire genre of fiction for decades to come they had created a number of characters that were featured in new fun and Detective Comics but they struggled to find a place for their favorite creation an alien that wore blue and red clothes had super-strength and could fly they had been developing their Superman for several years before he finally made his first appearance in Action Comics number one and the rest was history there's a dark side to this story however because the two were only paid 130 dollars for the rights to the character that would go on to generate billions following a dispute with the publisher they weren't even credited as having created him and it was only after a public campaign during the release of the first Hollywood movie at their place in comic book history was rightfully acknowledged.

1 Swimming Flippers

Top 10 GENIUS KIDS Invented Amazing Things

While we're definitely designed for moving across land humans aren't too bad at swimming through water too we definitely aren't as fast as animals that are adapted for that environment though and it was from looking at fish and other marine life that a young Benjamin Franklin came upon the idea of swimming flippers he realized that he could travel through the water faster if he had a larger surface area to push with and his first design was a handheld fin made from oval wooden planks that had holes in the middle for his hands the designs have of course come on leaps and bounds since these first prototypes but it shows how one of history's most successful inventors was already analyzing the world around him and creating life enhancing designs at an impressively young age. 
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