Monday, July 13, 2020

Top 6 Amazing Glass Creations

It's amazing what people have created out of glass from glass stars to stunning skylights here are 6 amazing things made out of glass.

6 Cold Glass Sculptures

Top 6 Amazing Glass Creations

The days of producing bulbs lamps and drink receptacles from glass are long gone, and the art form has moved on significantly in recent years at the forefront of showing what can be done with class is an artist called Jack storms who has developed a series of optical glass sculptures made by a particularly laborious process it involves combining LED crystal and dichroic glass and is a cold glass process that doesn't involve heating it up to high temperatures instead he's able to work on it like it was wood but doing it this way can take up to 18 weeks to produce one sculpture some of his pieces involve merging more than eight thousand pieces of glass together but once polished the effort is well worth it, he creates mesmerizing objects that are covered in mirrored surfaces that reflect rainbows of light and are undoubtedly some of the most stunning glass creations you'll ever see were.

5 Fiori di Como

Top 6 Amazing Glass Creations

The larger a glass creation gets the more fragile it typically becomes which makes the largest glass sculpture in the world all the more impressive known as the Fiori di Como, it's a giant glass ceiling that was created by artist Dale Chihuly in 1998 and can be seen in the lobby of the Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas covering an area of more than two thousand square feet it's made up of more than two thousand glass umbrellas that were merged together at some points it's up to ten feet thick and is so huge that something like this is far beyond the ability of just one person to build Chihuly oversaw a team of more than a hundred glass blowers engineers and architects to make his vision a reality and the finished product was so heavy that it had to be mounted on a steel frame to keep it safely in place it was certainly built to last though and even now more than 20 years after it was unveiled it continues to delight and astonish visitors to the world-famous menu.

4 The Windows of Sainte-Chapelle

Top 6 Amazing Glass Creations

The son Chappell is one of France's greatest historical treasures and was built as a royal chapel within the pan adieu last day which is in the center of Paris originally opened in the year 1248 it's regarded as one of the best examples of Gothic architecture anywhere in the world and was regularly used by the French royalty until the revolution while the structure of the chapel is fascinating enough the real standout feature is the intricate stained glass that decorates his walls the nave in the ASP contained 15 gigantic stained-glass windows that were made in the 13th century there's also a large 15th century Rose window on the western wall the windows remain in remarkably good condition considering their age and depicts scenes from the Bible such as the passion the infancy of Christ the life of John the Evangelist in the book of Genesis among many others during the French Revolution most of the chapel was destroyed and I could be seen today as mainly a recreation more than two-thirds of the windows are authentic however and are often cited as examples of how stunning and intricate the art form can be.

3 The Comet Glass Star

Top 6 Amazing Glass Creations

If there's one place in the world that's synonymous with the art of glass sculpture it's the island of Murano when the Venetian Lagoon where the city's glass makers were relocated in the Year 1291 to contain the risk of fire and have been producing extraordinary works ever since in one of the main squares the compose and Stefano there's a magnificent sculpture beneath the 19th century clock tower which is known as the comet glass star and provides a stunning contrast between architecture of old and more modern artistic designs created by Simone Sena Dessay to celebrate the christmas in 2007 it was made by combining 500 different blown glass elements of six different colors and a range of different shapes the result is one of the most amazing glass sculptures in the world that looks like a jagged almost ice like structure and is illuminated at night with carefully positioned lights and caused it to emit an eerie deep blue glow thanks to its coloration.

2 The Skylight of The Palace of Catalan Music

Top 6 Amazing Glass Creations

Palau de la música Catalana is a stunning music hall that's in Barcelona Spain and was opened in 1908 with the express intention of promoting music from the surrounding region now declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site because of its architecture and his contribution to culture more than half a million people visit each year to watch performances and each person to enter is amazed by the elaborate skylight that sits above the main auditorium the large inverted dome is made from stained glass and allows sunlight to beam down to the 2,000 people sat beneath at the center is a massive gold and Auburn colored glass that represents the Sun and is surrounded by darker shades of blue that embody the sense of the sky the effect of the lighting projecting into the room is most impressive during the day and as a result most performances are scheduled during daylight to make the most of the skylight in fact this makes the Palau de la musica Catalana the only concert house in the world that uses natural sunlight for illumination and makes for an experience like no other.

1 The Louvre Pyramid

Top 6 Amazing Glass Creations

Possibly the most renowned glass structure in the world is the Louvre pyramid which as well as being a stunning piece of art in its own right also doubles as the entrance to the world's most famous gallery it was commissioned in 1984 and is made entirely from glass and metal poles it stands 71 feet tall each of its sides are a hundred and twelve feet long and it covers a ground area of 11,000 square feet it's an intricate work of engineering and to build it required 603 rhombus shaped glass panels and 70 triangular ones the idea for it came from writings dating back to the early 19th century which say that celebrations of the revolution saw the tombs of the Louvre being covered with flags and a temporary pyramid structure being built in the grounds this new glass pyramid wasn't exactly a hint when it first opened though with many thinking it spoiled the aesthetics of the surrounding ancient buildings there were calls for it to be only a temporary structure and that it should be dismantled but within a few years it had become one of the most well known landmarks in the whole of Paris it's also the subject of a number of conspiracy theories including the notion that instead of 673 glass panels it's actually got 666 and is linked with the Satanic church it's an idea that was mistakenly reported in the French newspapers in the 1980s re-emerged in 2003 with the publication of The Da Vinci Code but it's nothing more than a fabricated story.
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